The Digicat 650i provides a unique data capture and on board memory function, allowing verification of the locators use and the ability to recall records following a near miss, service strike or similar incident. The Leica Digicat 650i locates buried conductive services by receiving electromagnetic signals which radiate from them. The Digicat's intelligent software interprets the signal data and provides the operator with an audible response to the location and direction of buried utilities. The operator can mark the ground or use a GIS mapping device to note the location.
The Digicat 650i comes with the added benefitsof data logging, Bluetooth Wireless Connectivity and service depth indication, when used in conjunction with the Leica Digitex 100t signal generator or Sonde in 8/33 kHz mode.
With the unique Logicat Software, records can be retrieved and collated helping to increase on site safety, whilst identifying training needs.
94 Bell St, Heidelberg Heights Vic 3081
Tel : (03) 9455 0622
Mob: 0401 949 154
Opening Hours
8:30 AM and 4:30 PM
Monday to Friday