Mission Statement


    Laserlight Australia Pty. Ltd. mission is :

    • Purpose - Laserlight Australia Pty. Ltd. exists to provide fast, reliable laser and fastener products and service to small business and large corporations in the building industry.
    • Vision - By providing fast response, informed expertise, and consistently high quality products and service, Laserlight Australia Pty. Ltd. generates enough satisfied repeat customers to provide a stable retainer base. With the expansion of the business, new customers will generate sufficient profits to see it grow financially. This will generates sufficient profit to provide expansion, progression and competition in today's market in Lasers.
    • Mission - The short term objective is to develop and maintain strong working relationships with our customers and plan to further this area by continuing to offer customers value-added improvements and vertically-integrate the business to support these improvements. The long term objective is to continue in a steady pattern of growth, attract a larger customer base and be in a more attractive negotiating position. This will help to provide the financial strength needed for the company to achieve its goals.

    The mission statement emphasizes the importance Laserlight Australia Pty. Ltd attaches to its core business and does not reflect the full range of value-added products and services offered by the organization.


    94 Bell St, Heidelberg Heights Vic 3081
    Tel : (03) 9455 0622
    Mob: 0401 949 154

    Opening Hours
    8:30 AM and 4:30 PM
    Monday to Friday