With its automatic controls and combined detection mode "Auto Mode" the Digicat 550i locator has been specifically designed to reduce human error during the location process. Combined with its precise and reliable service positioning, the Digicat 550i will prevent damage to underground services during excavation projects. Active signal tracing is available when using the Digitex 8/33 signal generator.
The 550i has the added benefit of service depth estimation, when used in conjunction with the Digitex 8/33 signal generator or Sonde in 8/33 kHz mode.
Available for 50 Hz or 60 Hz to suit your regions mains power frequency.
94 Bell St, Heidelberg Heights Vic 3081
Tel : (03) 9455 0622
Mob: 0401 949 154
Opening Hours
8:30 AM and 4:30 PM
Monday to Friday